Apex Academy

Jumpstart into real-world Enterprise AI with Azure and AI Apex accelerators.

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Real-World Education

How do you go from concepts and textbook material to standing up Enterprise AI in a real-world business environment? That's where Apex Academy comes into play.

Our suite of educational offerings is backed by our AI discussions and field experience with executives, business/industry domain experts, AI, and IT professionals.

From our work, we find that to ensure successful initial AI Project outcomes, education can be a prerequisite at all levels of an organization considering use of AI whether for decision-support, operations improvement, or other business and technology applications.

Below are key Insights that drive the need for AI Education.

AI Facts

Often, simple lack of consistent AI information, the definition of AI itself, and all the “headline news” inhibit an organization’s decision to begin their Enterprise AI Journey

Today's AI

A key barrier is misunderstanding about what “today’s AI” is and what it can deliver, especially with all the hype around “generative AI”

Cost of AI

Often organizations report their expectations were not met, and that they made an investment decision that has no ROI or relevant value proposition

AI Resources

Well-trained IT and AI professionals who are ready to utilize AI in the organization’s technology environment

Commitment to AI

Business and IT executives tell us that they did not initially plan for the level of on-going commitment to maintain, enhance, expand, and govern AI 

Enterprise AI Strategy

An AI Strategy & Plan guides leaders, provides a Roadmap, set a level of investment and its timing while providing for reasonable expectations for their organization’s first AI projects

AI is Ready Now – Are You?

AI is an innovative, disruptive, and challenging technology to integrate into your environments – strategic, operational, and technical. 

Apex Academy courses address the above insights and more and ensure that your organization is well prepared to begin your Enterprise AI journey. 

Apex Academy Available Courses


Our AI Strategy curriculum is targeted to business and IT executives who want to first understand what AI is and how it can be adopted and deployed within their organizations. Our syllabus ranges from defining “today’s AI” to developing an Enterprise AI Strategy and Roadmap. 

We discuss how initial Use Cases should be defined and developed. We also show how value propositions and ROI expectations should be documented in business cases, as we believe that initial AI projects should not be considered an R&D expense.


The AI Business curriculum targets business and system analysts who want to identify where Enterprise AI can be introduced into an organization and facilitate the change management and adoption necessary for successful AI solutions.

During this course you will learn how clearly define use cases from broader business goals, document and inventory processes and data to facilitate exploratory data analysis (EDA), and identify optimal end-user experiences to consume AI within an organization.


The Apex Academy AI Technology Track is an accelerated 6-week series of on-line sessions for participants who are looking for live, hands-on training. Participants will learn to build and scale AI at the enterprise level in a course designed to simulate real-world experiences in our own Apex Academy environment. 

Participants will have sign-on addresses and permissions for access during the training sessions as well as between them when completing both individual and group assignments.

Why Apex Academy?

We designed Apex Academy with the experience of AI Apex professionals created with the vision of accelerating without compromising the level of AI knowledge and education required to help ensure successful AI projects.

Apex Academy is focused on grouping together sessions with 5 to 20 participants. Participants can be from one organization with a minimum of 10 participants, or from multiple organizations and accommodate individual participants.

Our training is “hands-on” in a real-world AI environment so that both Business and IT participants can have a pragmatic experience utilizing an industry-standard technology platform while jointly learning the how, why, when and investment of applying AI.

Finally utilizing the Apex Academy lets your business and technology teams know that your organization is strategically looking to the next big technology-driven paradigm shift that will impact it - and your organization is preparing for it today.

Take the next steps.

Contact the experts at AI Apex to help you get started.